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Chase Deutsch

The multifaceted meaning of "CHASE"

Variegated interpretations in sundry domains

Hunting and pursuit

In the realm of hunting, "chase" denotes the act of pursuing an animal with the intention of capturing or killing it. This pursuit typically involves hounds or other animals, as well as skilled hunters trained in the art of tracking and subduing prey.

Engraving and chasing

Beyond the hunting context, "chase" finds application in the domain of metalworking. In this context, it refers to an engraving technique in which fine lines or patterns are incised into the surface of metal using specialized tools called chasing hammers and punches.

Colloquial usage

In colloquial language, "chase" has evolved to encompass a broader range of meanings. It can refer to pursuing a person or object with the intent of apprehending or acquiring it, as in the phrase "police chase." Additionally, it can be used metaphorically to describe the act of pursuing a goal or objective, as in the expression "chase your dreams."


The word "chase" possesses a multifaceted character, encompassing a diverse array of interpretations across different domains. From its origins in hunting, through its applications in metalworking, and its colloquial usage, the term reflects the rich tapestry of human experience.
